Can a robot be a saint? A review of ‘The Wild Robot’

Can a robot be a saint? Put another way, as we enter the AI age, can the intelligence we create achieve holiness?

Everything is connected

“All things are connected, and whatever man does to the web of life, he does to himself.” These are haunting words as we consider the human causes of climate change and wonder what are we doing to ourselves and to our own web?

End of an era: the Oakland A’s and church closings

Both baseball and the Church are more extensive than any one moment, season, or location. They are about people, tradition, and a shared sense of purpose. They call us into their stories of hope, heartbreak, resilience, and renewal.

How many dead children does it take?

Our Lord and Savior Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19:14) If Jesus has truly freed us, if he is the head of the Body, then Christian individuals and churches must live as if every single child matters. The Jewish child. The American child. The Christian child. The Israeli child. The Muslim child. The Palestinian child.

Justice. Mercy. Faith.

Through The Christian Citizen, we seek to shape a mind among American Baptists and others on matters of public concern by providing a forum for diverse voices living and working at the intersection of faith and politics, discipleship and citizenship.

Everything is connected

Everything is connected

“All things are connected, and whatever man does to the web of life, he does to himself.” These are haunting words as we consider the human causes of climate change and wonder what are we doing to ourselves and to our own web?

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How many dead children does it take?

How many dead children does it take?

Our Lord and Savior Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19:14) If Jesus has truly freed us, if he is the head of the Body, then Christian individuals and churches must live as if every single child matters. The Jewish child. The American child. The Christian child. The Israeli child. The Muslim child. The Palestinian child.

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Revenge is killing us

Revenge is killing us

In today’s world, revenge is killing us. It is killing some much more quickly than others. It kills us, thousands of miles away from a conflict spiritually, making us unwilling collaborators in a genocidal scheme that robs children of their parents, their lives, and a future.

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Greatness with a grain of salt

Greatness with a grain of salt

As we observe World Communion Sunday, may we remember with due humility, the circle is always open. The Church is bigger than we think. The table of the Lord is open to all who call upon the name of Jesus and follow his gospel.

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Being loved in a strange land

Being loved in a strange land

For the Latino community of faith, offering others the sense of belonging “not for what I can do but for who I am” is one of the greatest principles we can have, not only because it comes from our culture, but also from our faith.

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Featured Series

Faith and Politics

Remembering 9/11: A Muslim perspective

Remembering 9/11: A Muslim perspective

When we say, “Never forget,” we must ask: Who are we remembering? Who gets counted as American enough to deserve justice? Until we, as a country, live up to the values of love, unity, and equality that are supposed to bind us together, justice will remain an unfulfilled promise.

“Freedom is a Mighty Fine Thing”

As we enjoy July 4, 2024, it should be noted that there are a great many freedoms that most Americans, Black, white, male, and female want that are being denied or withheld.

Three ways to make your words change the world

The tenor of our conflict in the public sphere needs to improve dramatically. If we find ourselves in disagreement, conflict, or challenge, here are three things we can learn from how Jesus approaches conflict.

Unity through diversity

What if we took this season of political and social uncertainty to bear witness to Christ while living in a pluralistic society? What would it look like to elevate our Baptist principles, demonstrating what a life with God looks like when held in healthy tension?


Christian Citizen Ambassadors

At The Christian Citizen, we’re passionate about justice, mercy, and faith. We produce award-winning content that is provocative, timely, and relevant. What started more than 25 years ago as a print publication is now a digital-first publication that maintains a commitment to print. More recently, we’ve added a weekly e-newsletter, podcast, and a growing presence on social media. Now, for the first time, we’re adding a member support program—Christian Citizen Ambassadors!

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We feature thought-provoking articles and action-inspiring essays that intersect faith, politics, discipleship and citizenship, while examining a variety of public concerns ranging from gun violence, racism, trauma and sexual violence to poverty, food insecurity, disabilities, and immigration.