Prayer and the news

Consider developing a “rule of life” in relation to news. How might you bring a practice of prayer into your engagement with the media?

‘If thou shalt confess’: A nonbinary testimony of faith

Why should persons like myself who have received the same gift of saving faith – who pray, read the Bible, come to worship and who are active members in religious and civil society – why should we be condemned by some of our kin in the Church and by fellow citizens in our nation?

The remarkable, less told story of ‘The Six Triple Eight’

How do we tell a fuller swath of history to the next generation, without falling into the habit of downsizing U.S. history into ever simplified narratives around heroism and achievement? What happens when those in power and dominant places in culture and politics become allergic to or threatened by the desire to respect history with nuance and complexity?

Building an intergenerational church

Building an intergenerational church requires a shift in mindset. It requires a commitment to creating an inclusive environment where everyone, regardless of age, feels they have a place and a voice.

Justice. Mercy. Faith.

Through The Christian Citizen, we seek to shape a mind among American Baptists and others on matters of public concern by providing a forum for diverse voices living and working at the intersection of faith and politics, discipleship and citizenship.

The remarkable, less told story of ‘The Six Triple Eight’

The remarkable, less told story of ‘The Six Triple Eight’

How do we tell a fuller swath of history to the next generation, without falling into the habit of downsizing U.S. history into ever simplified narratives around heroism and achievement? What happens when those in power and dominant places in culture and politics become allergic to or threatened by the desire to respect history with nuance and complexity?

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Dismantling U.S. foreign aid hurts Americans – and the world

Dismantling U.S. foreign aid hurts Americans – and the world

In a globalized world where a disease outbreak in one country can turn into a pandemic, where natural disasters, conflicts, and the people displaced by them cross borders, does withdrawing U.S. aid and collaboration with other nations in addressing these risks make America safer? Does reneging on commitments we have already made to other nations, damaging trust and credibility in the United States abroad, make us stronger? Does abruptly cutting thousands of American jobs related to international aid make America more prosperous?

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Featured Series

Faith and Politics

Dismantling U.S. foreign aid hurts Americans – and the world

Dismantling U.S. foreign aid hurts Americans – and the world

In a globalized world where a disease outbreak in one country can turn into a pandemic, where natural disasters, conflicts, and the people displaced by them cross borders, does withdrawing U.S. aid and collaboration with other nations in addressing these risks make America safer? Does reneging on commitments we have already made to other nations, damaging trust and credibility in the United States abroad, make us stronger? Does abruptly cutting thousands of American jobs related to international aid make America more prosperous?

Two different kinds of men

Two different kinds of men

Some analysts claim that without the support of Baptists and other evangelicals, neither Donald Trump nor Jimmy Carter would have ever lived in the White House. They have that in common but in almost every other way, they are very different.

Cruelty is coming. Brush up on nonviolent resistance

Nonviolent resistance is about peacefully but decidedly disrupting oppressive tactics. Although it sometimes puts the person engaged in it at risk of things like arrest or violence themselves, when done well, it uses creativity, self-sacrifice, and solidarity to affirm the humanity of the vulnerable.

Today I ask you to choose faith

What we really need is faith. Faith in that arc and its bending, faith that what we do counts for something, faith that we can be the friends that God needs now.

Our church signs need work

Planet Fitness, the real-life Average Joe’s, come-as-you-are establishment, beat every church sign I knew with its slogan, The World Judges, We Don’t.


Christian Citizen Ambassadors

At The Christian Citizen, we’re passionate about justice, mercy, and faith. We produce award-winning content that is provocative, timely, and relevant. What started more than 25 years ago as a print publication is now a digital-first publication that maintains a commitment to print. More recently, we’ve added a weekly e-newsletter, podcast, and a growing presence on social media. Now, for the first time, we’re adding a member support program—Christian Citizen Ambassadors!

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We feature thought-provoking articles and action-inspiring essays that intersect faith, politics, discipleship and citizenship, while examining a variety of public concerns ranging from gun violence, racism, trauma and sexual violence to poverty, food insecurity, disabilities, and immigration.