About US

Justice. mercy. faith.

Through The Christian Citizen, we seek to shape a mind among American Baptists and others on matters of public concern by providing a forum for diverse voices living and working at the intersection of faith and politics, discipleship and citizenship. 

Thought Leadership

Writing from deeply respected theologians, community leaders and policy advocates.


Our content speaks directly to the issues of the day, from the pulpit, to the pew, to the civic square and Capitol Hill. 



Our stories go through an intense fact checking process to ensure absolute accuracy.



New and emerging voices on a wide range of topics.


Ethically, politically and theologically diverse writing.



Voices from beyond Baptist & Christian circles. We publish writing from Jewish, Muslim and other faith perspectives. 

First published in 1996 as a print magazine focused on lifting voices for biblical justice, The Christian Citizen is now a digital-first publication speaking on issues of justice, mercy and faith.

“We strive to sort through the complexities and confusions of political struggles while raising the vision of biblical justice and its guildelines for good government,” wrote Curtis Ramsey-Lucas for the publication’s first issue. “In so doing, we seek faithfully to connect the life of discipleship to the life of citizenship.”

Today, as then, “to this work, we invite you.”



Curtis Ramsey-Lucas

Curtis Ramsey-Lucas


Anna Piela

Anna Piela

Associate Editor

Hannah Estifanos

Hannah Estifanos

Copy Editor

Oladele Barr

Oladele Barr

Graphic Designer


Dr. Jeffrey Haggray

Dr. Jeffrey Haggray

Executive Director, American Baptist Home Mission Societies

Rev. Michele Turek

Rev. Michele Turek

National Coordinator, Asian Ministries

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Price

Rev. Dr. Cheryl Price

Publisher, Judson Press

Rev. Erica Van Brakle

Rev. Erica Van Brakle

MinistrElife Director of Membership, Content, and Usage

Alexzandria Sanchez

Alexzandria Sanchez

National Coordinator for Scholarships and Emerging Leaders

Rev. Kerwin Webb

Rev. Kerwin Webb

National Coordinator for Justice and Mission Engagement

Rev. Abner Cotto-Bonilla

Rev. Abner Cotto-Bonilla

National Coordinator, Latino Ministries

Rev. Lisa Harris-Lee

Rev. Lisa Harris-Lee

Director, Healing & Transforming Communities

Rev. Dr. Marie Onwubuariri

Rev. Dr. Marie Onwubuariri

Director, Intercultural Ministries


Cherilyn Crowe, Director of Communications, Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty
Rev. Kimberlee Payton Jones, Esq., Associate Pastor and General Counsel, Lindsay Street Baptist Church
Rev. Steven D. Martin, Director of Communications and Development, National Council of Churches
Marvin A. McMickle, Ph.D., Professor of African American Religious Traditions, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
Rev. Harold Dean Trulear, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Applied Theology, Howard University School of Divinity

Engage with us

Citizenship isn’t a passive pasttime, it is a call to active participation. We invite you to join with us.


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We publish The Christian Citizen and provide it free of charge to our entire readership. To support our work, we depend on the generosity of your mission support. 


Join our list growing list of contributors. We are looking for stories that connect with and help readers understand what Jesus called the weightier matters of the law: justice, mercy, and faith. 

Unless otherwise noted, Scriptures are from the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) of the Bible, copyright 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

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