Prayer walker

Prayer walker

Daily walking has been said to lead to good health. For me, after walking the Camino de Santiago twice over the past two years, walking has now become a way to be with God.

Sausalito morning church

Sausalito morning church

When pastors retire from full-time paid ministries, they often feel lost or unanchored. But for me, my daily walk has become a ministry, where I have formed a community that can be called “Sausalito Morning Church.”

Going outside

Going outside

As people of the Resurrection, we are called to go outside. Most of the accounts of Jesus’ teachings and healings took place outside rather than inside.

True human encounter

True human encounter

The Incarnation is emblematic of God’s encounter with us. God’s human form in Christ is to be fully immersed in the human condition so that we too may know God.

‘Kumbayah’ is no joking matter

‘Kumbayah’ is no joking matter

Photo by Mike Erskine on Unsplash ‘Kumbayah’ is no joking matter Rev. Donald Ng April 21, 2021 I sang “Kumbayah” for the first time sitting around a campfire at Pond Homestead Baptist Camp in Wrentham, Massachusetts. It was memorable because the quietness of the night...