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Awakening: Mary’s Vision

Laurel Balyeat Morrison

December 24, 2019

You tap me on the shoulder

Of my soul

And wake me from

A deep sleep.

“Who are You?” I ask. 

You say,

“I am Gabriel…”

I see You as a pillar of fire.

Moses had his burning bush.

He was standing on Holy Ground.

I am not standing

But sitting on my bed…

I am sitting on holy ground.

You say, “Greetings, favored woman.

The Lord is with you.”

“Me?” I wonder.

“Why am I favored?

Why should You, an angel,

Come to me?

The Lord is with me?

I see You are with me.”

You smile at me.

“You are going to conceive and birth the Messiah.”

“Me? How can this be?”  I ask.

“I am engaged to Joseph but we have not

Yet come together.”

You say,

“God’s Spirit will fill you,

Warm you,

Empower you,

Break forth,

and spark the God-Seed in your womb.”

I respond slowly,

“Ok.  Fill me.

Change me.

Birth me

As I birth my baby,

My son,

Your Christ Child,

The Cosmic Christ.”

Laurel Balyeat Morrison is an ordained American Baptist minister who serves the First Baptist Church of Alameda, California.  She was chosen the Poet Laureate of her senior class in high school and enjoys writing poetry and prose. 

The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of American Baptist Home Mission Societies.

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