Outrage over the art performance during the opening of the Paris Olympics is misplaced
Outrage is just wasted energy and misplaced emotion. Instead of getting riled up, let’s get down to the serious work of the Gospel – love and inclusion.
Outrage is just wasted energy and misplaced emotion. Instead of getting riled up, let’s get down to the serious work of the Gospel – love and inclusion.
Palestinian Christians have reached out to the international Church, calling us to join them in their quest to be treated with human dignity. Their voices echo the larger Palestinian call to the international community to help them in their quest for freedom, justice, and equality—deeply Biblical goals.
Remember all those committees and board meetings? We don’t need them now. Pastor AI takes care of everything, and everyone gets what they want.
Pablo apostaba por la renovación interior, aquella que inicia con un encuentro con Dios y que obra día a día en nosotros. Esa también fue mi reflexión ver el obrar de Dios día tras día.
Paul bet on inner renewal, the one that begins with an encounter with God and that works day by day in us. That was also my reflection to see the work of God—day after day.
Las comunidades nativas, aunque dormidas bajo el peso del silencio forzado, la pesadez de los ciclos de abuso y el mensaje persistente de que fuimos eliminados, eliminables y derrotados, ahora podemos reclamar nuestro idioma, nuestra cultura y nuestra capacidad de amar y proteger a nuestros niños en nuestros hogares, en las escuelas y en la iglesia.