Supreme Court continues to shift religious liberty landscape
Leaving lower courts with little guidance, this Court is reshaping religious liberty without deference to principles that have protected it for decades.
Leaving lower courts with little guidance, this Court is reshaping religious liberty without deference to principles that have protected it for decades.
While I wish Charles III a long reign and the American democratic experiment an even longer life, I find myself intrigued and amazed at how times change, yet how the need to defend the faiths is not only the work of the Crown or seat of government, but also very much in our own convictional DNA as Baptists.
The parallels between our pandemic-affected lives and the lives of the prophet Haggai’s contemporaries in post-exilic Jerusalem are unmistakable.
Contributing to the increase in anxiety and depression among children are the ongoing challenges of limited economic resources, which result in reduced food intake, inadequate housing and other factors that negatively impact a person’s social and emotional well-being.
Earlier this year, Salman Rushdie said that “song is stronger than death.” I continue to pray for Rushdie’s recovery and return to whatever public life he can in the future. His song will go on long after his death, which I hope will be by natural causes long into the future. The song of the human spirit in its fullness cannot be quashed or quelled.
Some holidays spark the heart in a way others don’t. Christmas is probably a prime example. The Cherokee National Holiday (CNH) is one of those for me. It celebrates the signing and ratification of the Cherokee Nation constitution of 1839, and is a true celebration of Cherokee culture.