Many people assume that politics and religion, like church and state, are supposed to be separate and unconnected. I argue the opposite. Loving faith communities provide a unique context for people to discuss the issues that divide us in mutually respectful ways.
Washington and Jefferson believed that the Capitol’s appearance should reflect the fundamental ideas of the new government—national union, the bicameral legislative bodies it housed, and accessibility to all Americans.
We have too often relied on rote mimicry where faith is concerned in hopes that our children would simply follow in our footsteps. However, the children who are coming of age now want to know why.
Bigger does not mean better. More followers do not mean the way is good or right. Sometimes the worst or most extreme causes attract large numbers. Bigger numbers do not mean something is more true, right, or correct. That is the way of the world, which places a high value on large followings like multitudes. The way of God is the good, the right, and the true. That way may be embraced by only a few.
Imagining how politics could be otherwise begins with recovering the political claims embedded in the familiar language and practices of Christian worship.
Caring for veterans is a social justice issue. They have endured the rigors of war and military service. Many come from lower-income backgrounds in rural or urban America. In short, you don’t have to be pro-war to care for the veterans in your community of faith.