“You forgive us, we’ll forgive you” – The theology of John Prine

“You forgive us, we’ll forgive you” – The theology of John Prine

In the myriad streams of music that seem to think God and Country are one word, in the choruses of gospel music that claim God fixes everything for the faithful, in the hymnody of the church that sometimes overpromises the victory and understates the trials, we still need Prine’s commitment to tell the truth about a life of faith.

Women of the Way: Witnessing the call of all at dinner church

Women of the Way: Witnessing the call of all at dinner church

I have so many examples, so many names, of women who have shown me by their presence God can call anyone into the role of pastor. Recently, I’ve added two more to a constantly growing list: Pastor Sarah and Pastor Anna, a pair of priests who coordinate a dinner church in Northampton, Massachusetts.