A lifetime of trying to think “rationally” has me conditioned to see mutual empathy as heartwarming but naive. I am ready now to say, however, that it offers the only hope for stable peace in the Middle East (or anywhere).
As the Colosseum was a monument to ancient Roman power, shopping malls, political rallies, and sporting events are monuments to America’s present moment. All are important, even replacing religion in many instances, because they are the embodiment of victory, something that Americans are willing to pursue to dangerous ends, even if it threatens our country’s continued viability.
Thank you for your role in this ongoing work. Whether through reading, sharing, or providing feedback, your support sustains us. You remind us that we are not alone in our efforts to be a voice for justice and peace. Your participation helps build bridges where there are divides and fosters a spirit of unity in times when the world sorely needs it.
God’s invitation and welcome do not cost us our seat at the table but beg us to make room for others as well. This is the heart of Christmas; when there was no room, God still made a way.
Over the years, I learned more fully that people need to connect with worship emotionally. That means leaders must include words, rituals, and practices people recognize – on Christmas Eve and all year long.