Breaking the silence of mental illness
The church that claims to be following Jesus is walking in darkness when the light is not shined on mental illness, especially when the mentally ill do not feel welcomed to talk about their illness.
The church that claims to be following Jesus is walking in darkness when the light is not shined on mental illness, especially when the mentally ill do not feel welcomed to talk about their illness.
It is my belief that those who will be attending worship on Easter long to hear a word that connects the “power of the resurrection” to the vicissitudes of their lives.
The season of Lent offers an opportunity to be intentional about one’s spiritual journey. As we struggle with overcoming our own spiritual and emotional challenges, may we grow towards finding common ground among brothers and sisters with differences
What makes us so strong? The strength to press through suffering is in the spiritual DNA of the black church. It was stamped into the conscious of a people who refused to be silenced.
Fear currently is a common thread that runs through our present culture. It is a tactic that is used to paralyze the mind and spirit of the poor as well as the privileged.
With all that is happening in this country, one wonders if anyone is experiencing peace and love. If a lack of peace and love is the plague that hovers over America, what is the answer? Perhaps we can find it in Scripture.