Jesus affirmed the imago Dei in all people, even and especially those discarded or ostracized; Christ even ignited the Pharisees’ anger by healing on the Sabbath. Our embodied Savior noticed and ministered to physical needs, while acknowledging that spiritual needs — the ones we all hold in common — remain eternally important.
Harris meets the conversation around abortion where it is most fertile — at the intersection of differing religious communities. It is only through interfaith dialogues that the limiting binary thinking around abortion and faith is interrogated.
I was delighted to see a clear representation of just what it looks like to meditate in a kids’ movie. Meditation is hard work, and it is rare to be successful the first time one practices it. But, if like me and like Po in the Kung Fu Panda series, you’re seeking a way to find inner peace, you should probably give it a try.
What we can learn from Nightcrawler is how to identify the gifts of all people around us, regardless of their background, as necessary for the greater community, and how we might also minister among others.
Our forefathers, foremothers, and ancestors in the faith called for full soul liberty for all people, both in thought and in deed. New laws in the Republic of Georgia threaten these liberties. I invite you to join me, ABC-WI, and other people of goodwill in prayer and advocacy for our Georgian siblings in Christ and in the human race.
Outrage is just wasted energy and misplaced emotion. Instead of getting riled up, let’s get down to the serious work of the Gospel – love and inclusion.