Harvard adopting the IHRA definition of antisemitism is a harbinger of what’s to come
We should see this move for what it really is: a nakedly opportunistic attempt to advance an authoritarian agenda and restrict our First Amendment rights.
We should see this move for what it really is: a nakedly opportunistic attempt to advance an authoritarian agenda and restrict our First Amendment rights.
In these times, churches have to be like Mr. Brown – they have to embrace risk for the sake of something greater. We know that success is not guaranteed, and we cannot know what repercussions might manifest from opposing naked cruelty.
Each Friday in The Christian Citizen, we publish a Religion News Roundup with summaries of religion news stories and links for those who want to read more.
Perhaps God can use us to help hold hope for others, to sing, to pray, to equip, to rest some more as we hold on knowing the robin will return and Sunday will come.
We receive grace from God – it cannot be bought, earned, deserved, or demanded, but can only be received as a gift. Wouldn’t you think that when a person is conscious of being given grace by God, that person would want to turn around and offer the gift of grace to others?
The apostle Paul writes that since we have been reconciled with Christ, we are to become ambassadors for Christ in the world. In Christ, let us also be ambassadors of peace and love in the world in such a time as today.