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No, we didn’t ‘win’ the War on Poverty, but here’s how we can
Rev. Adam Taylor
October 17, 2018
This year’s 50th Anniversary of the Poor People’s Campaign provides a critical moment for our nation, and people of faith and conscience, to pause and conduct a moral scan of our nation’s progress in combatting poverty in America. Sadly, despite some progress, poverty in America remains deeply entrenched.
Roughly 13 percent of Americans remain stuck in the quicksand of poverty.
Poverty disproportionately impacts people of color and women, making it both sexist and racist.
Poverty continues to be deeply intergenerational, passing on its burdens and disadvantages across generations.
Poverty is both urban and
Poverty is 13 million children living in households that struggle to put enough food on the table in the wealthiest nation in the world.
The root causes of poverty are often misunderstood or oversimplified. The people living in poverty are often invisible, marginalized, and at worst scapegoated for their struggle. Ending poverty constitutes one of the central moral imperatives of our time.
For too long the response to this by too many Christians has been what I refer to as “the poor will always be among us” mentality. Jesus’ words in John 12 that the “you always have the poor with you” have often been misunderstood or misappropriated to mean that the poor will be a permanent fixture in our public life. This mentality has justified a great deal of complacency about the imperative to combat and ultimately bring an end to the worst forms of poverty. In this text we see Jesus rebuking Judas for his hypocritical criticism of Mary, who has blessed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, which Judas cynically says could have been used for the poor. A more careful and contextual interpretation of Jesus’ words reveals that what Jesus is really conveying is that, as his disciples, we will always be among the poor, because the Gospels make clear that as a poor Jew, Jesus spent a disproportionate amount of his life and ministry with and among the poor.
In mid-July the White House stepped into the role of Judas by claiming that America has “largely” won its war on poverty, citing a Council of Economic Advisers report that argues that the vast majority of people in the U.S. have enough to eat, that homelessness is “rare,” and the U.S. economy is surging, with unemployment near a record low of 4 percent. The report goes on to conclude that, “Now is the ideal time to expand carefully designed work requirements to non-cash welfare programs.”
The 66-page report conflicts dramatically with a United Nations investigation conducted in July, which offers a scathing assessment of the dire state of poverty in America, stating America already has the highest rates of youth poverty, infant mortality, incarceration, income inequality, and obesity among industrialized nations.
Here’s a snapshot: About 40 million Americans live in poverty, 18.5 million live in “extreme poverty,” and more than 5 million live in what the U.N. calls “absolute poverty.”
The report goes on to argue that “for almost five decades the overall policy response has been neglectful at best, but the policies pursued over the past year seem deliberately designed to remove basic protections from the poorest, punish those who are not in employment and make even basic health care into a privilege to be earned rather than a right of citizenship.”
What strikes me most
In the context of our national politics, the poor have been trapped in this debate, which pits a conservative emphasis on personal responsibility and strong families against a more liberal emphasis on strengthening the social safety net and rectifying structural and systemic injustices The debate hinges on these ideological disagreements, so we never get to the root causes of poverty or the best policy prescriptions to reduce it. In reality, this represents a false dichotomy. But as of late, our nation is not even having the ideological debate —
No party or ideology has a monopoly on the solutions to ending poverty in America, and both parties are to blame for expending more energy on policies aimed at the upper and middle classes at the expense of people in poverty. With a few exceptions, neither Republicans nor Democrats have prioritized pushing forward a comprehensive policy agenda to combat poverty.
No party or ideology has a monopoly on the solutions to ending poverty in America, and both parties are to blame for expending more energy on policies aimed at the upper and middle classes at the expense of people in poverty. With a few exceptions, neither Republicans nor Democrats have prioritized pushing forward a comprehensive policy agenda to combat poverty.
There is no magic bullet or panacea to combatting poverty. We know that economic growth that generates jobs and lowers the unemployment rate is necessary but far from sufficient. More than half of the country’s income growth in the last decade went to the wealthiest 1 percent of American families. And new research from economists at Stanford and Harvard University shows that rising inequality — not sluggish economic growth — is most likely to blame for Americans’ limited opportunities for upward mobility.
A comprehensive approach requires:
- Addressing the breakdown of families and ameliorating the economic pressures that are accelerating this breakdown
- Addressing the changing nature of work due to automation and technology and transforming our education system so that the quality of a child’s education isn’t tied to their zip code
- Strengthening job-training programs and ensuring that people who work full time are not living below the poverty line due to poverty wages
- Increasing access to quality health care to every American so health crises don’t throw people and families into poverty
- Increasing access and opportunities for people living with disabilities
- Reforming our immigration system so we can bring undocumented immigrants out of the shadows of our economy
- Ending mass incarceration and dismantling racial bias in our criminal justice system.
Even in the midst of our political impasse and polarization there are a series of policy solutions to combat poverty that would garner a great deal of bipartisan support and represent low hanging fruit. These include expanding the EITC benefits to single adults, setting up savings accounts for every child born into a low-income family, expanding access to child care, and revamping job training programs.
Even the most thoughtful and comprehensive policy agendas will fail to gain traction as long as poverty remains a third rail issue in our politics and a marginal issue in our public consciousness.
In the early stages of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic, the disease was shrouded in a great deal of stigma, shame, and blame. Many people, including Christian leaders, reacted to the harrowing statistics of AIDS in Africa through an overly judgmental lens that associated the disease with homosexuality and sexual indiscretion. Despite these obstacles, many faith-based organizations and churches (including World Vision) worked tirelessly to move the church from a posture of fear and condemnation to one of compassion, love, and justice. One of the major factors that catalyzed this transformation was a very intentional effort to reframe the AIDS crisis through the lens of the orphan crisis. In many countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS was wiping out parents in the prime of their lives, leaving in its wake an entire generation of orphaned children. Focusing attention on the plight of orphaned children helped to break open the issue, pricking people’s conscience and igniting moral concern and outrage. It generated essential political will to address the entire AIDS crisis and helped lead to President George W. Bush’s 2002 President’s Emergency Plan for HIV/AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which has given 11 million people access to life-saving treatment and helped to turn the tide of the epidemic in many countries.
The book of Proverbs reminds us that “where there is no vision, the people perish.” A new moral vision is critical to supercharge the fight against poverty. This vision can be framed initially around the imperative to ensure that every child does not have to grow up in poverty. With the highest percentage of children living in poverty in the developed world, the U.S. is literally sabotaging our future prosperity by suffocating the potential of far too many of our children. Increasing scientific evidence proves when children do not receive adequate nutrition, educational stimulation, and protection from abuse and trauma during their first five years of life, it literally impairs their brain development and sets them back for life. As a father of 5- and 7-year-old sons, I can’t think of a more important investment than ensuring every child gets a good start in life.
Equality of opportunity is a deeply ingrained ethic and shared goal that resonates with the vast majority of Americans. Enabling every person made in the image of God to realize their full potential is a goal that every Christian should share, even if we disagree over some of the ways of achieving this goal. Even though we are a long way from realizing both this ethic and theological commitment, a new moral narrative that appeals more directly to both ethics can awaken public consciousness and galvanize political commitment around ending poverty in America.
Christ reminds us that as his followers, we should always be among the poor. However, as his disciples we can no longer afford to accept that the poor will always be among us. Now is the time to articulate a new moral narrative and advance a bold and comprehensive policy agenda that will ensure that together we will truly and finally win the war against poverty.
The Rev. Adam Taylor is executive director, Sojourners. Adapted from a previously published commentary.
The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of American Baptist Home Mission Societies.