Monotasking: One thing at a time

When anxiety rises, we worry about the future instead of focusing on action we can take in the present. Or we frantically try to do everything at once. One way to stay in the present is to work on one thing at a time.

‘That Body, This Body, Next Body’

This body is sacred. That body was sacred. And so shall your next body be. Remember to survive, yes, but also, dear child of God — remember to thrive.

Observing Ramadan in virtual spaces

Online spaces have made it easier to find likeminded religious communities and individuals, especially in times like Ramadan. Participating in the communal activities of Ramadan is now accessible to everyone and anyone who has access to the internet.

Weekly religion news roundup (February 28-March 6, 2025)

Each Friday in The Christian Citizen, we publish a Religion News Roundup with summaries of religion news stories and links for those who want to read more.

Justice. Mercy. Faith.

Through The Christian Citizen, we seek to shape a mind among American Baptists and others on matters of public concern by providing a forum for diverse voices living and working at the intersection of faith and politics, discipleship and citizenship.

Featured Series

Faith and Politics

Cruelty is coming. Brush up on nonviolent resistance

Cruelty is coming. Brush up on nonviolent resistance

Nonviolent resistance is about peacefully but decidedly disrupting oppressive tactics. Although it sometimes puts the person engaged in it at risk of things like arrest or violence themselves, when done well, it uses creativity, self-sacrifice, and solidarity to affirm the humanity of the vulnerable.

We must deal with our public grief

When loss occurs, grief inevitably follows. Yet in public life, grief from our collective losses seems to routinely get short-circuited. We seem incapable of allowing it into our lives. But that stymies our shared project of creating communities that thrive, because it causes so many of us to pretend or wish our losses never happened. For others, it means a retreat from public life entirely.


Christian Citizen Ambassadors

At The Christian Citizen, we’re passionate about justice, mercy, and faith. We produce award-winning content that is provocative, timely, and relevant. What started more than 25 years ago as a print publication is now a digital-first publication that maintains a commitment to print. More recently, we’ve added a weekly e-newsletter, podcast, and a growing presence on social media. Now, for the first time, we’re adding a member support program—Christian Citizen Ambassadors!

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We feature thought-provoking articles and action-inspiring essays that intersect faith, politics, discipleship and citizenship, while examining a variety of public concerns ranging from gun violence, racism, trauma and sexual violence to poverty, food insecurity, disabilities, and immigration.