Prayer and the news
Consider developing a “rule of life” in relation to news. How might you bring a practice of prayer into your engagement with the media?
Consider developing a “rule of life” in relation to news. How might you bring a practice of prayer into your engagement with the media?
If the Incarnation teaches us anything, it teaches that God blesses and uses the body. Today, some churches incorporate dance and movement of the body into worship itself.
Over the years, I learned more fully that people need to connect with worship emotionally. That means leaders must include words, rituals, and practices people recognize – on Christmas Eve and all year long.
Stewardship is not simply about raising money for ministry. It includes helping people see all they have as a gift from God.
Give thanks more. Find ways to appreciate your givers. For pastors and stewardship leaders, giving thanks will make the work easier and more joyful for you and for givers.