Can you let go?

Can you let go?

The disruption and loss which generate fear can be necessary and even life-giving. Dealing with change and loss is a constant part of human experience. It’s never easy, but being overcome by fear, or simply resisting and complaining take a tremendous amount of energy which we could put into more creative pursuits.

Five things I appreciate about pastors

Five things I appreciate about pastors

I want to offer appreciation to the pastors in my life—those in the church I belong to, the pastors I teach and coach, and the many pastors I meet in person and online around the world. Pastors, here are some of the things I appreciate about you.

Is helping overrated?

Is helping overrated?

It’s important not to step in to help just because of feeling anxious. Seeing other people struggle is anxiety-producing, but it can be an opportunity for people to learn and grow.

Are you a leader who’s a learner?

Are you a leader who’s a learner?

Learning may be the most important skill for church leaders. To make it as a leader, you must be able to learn from your experience. If you can’t learn or think, then it’s a waste of time. You’ll be unable to adapt to your environment, and you’ll be unsuccessful.