What does it take to serve God in tough times?
The challenges I faced in my own life as a woman in ministry faded to nothing as I learned about the life story of Florence Li Tim-Oi for the first time.
The challenges I faced in my own life as a woman in ministry faded to nothing as I learned about the life story of Florence Li Tim-Oi for the first time.
What are you doing for Lent this year? What might you take a break from, just for 40 days? What might you take on, just for 40 days? It could do more to renew your year than any of your resolutions.
What are you planning for 2024? Wait! Before you jump in, take a few moments to take stock of this year. Then think about next year.
I wouldn’t say I’m thankful for my husband’s cancer. However, it has brought blessings into our life, including a greater appreciation for our life day to day.
Pastoral care is an essential part of ministry. Individuals and families in the congregation are under our care. However, it’s easy for pastors to get sucked in doing more for people than is good for them—or for us.