Do we value Christian publishing?

Do we value Christian publishing?

If ministries that are expected to be self-sustaining through sales of curriculum and books are no longer sustainable, what does that say about our buying habits? As Matthew 6:21 reminds us, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

When God calls

When God calls

If only males are entrusted with the ability to discern God’s call, women are considered “less than” competent regarding matters of the soul. Frankly, a realm where women are considered less than fully competent souls doesn’t sound much like the Kingdom of God to me.

The Holy Spirit is still speaking. Will we listen?

The Holy Spirit is still speaking. Will we listen?

If we fail to heed the warnings of scientists, sociologists, and our children about climate change, will we listen to prophets? Will we listen to the clergy who passionately preach about creation justice? Will we understand that God is still speaking through God’s people and their actions?

Lights in the darkness

Lights in the darkness

Satisfying the longing for spiritual light in this world requires more of us that stringing up lights. Living the way of Jesus demands more than colorful, well-decorated homes with bountiful presents.