The incredibly nasty midterm elections have finally passed. Now what? I believe you don’t need to lie down and accept the current state of affairs, but that there are five practical steps you can take to engender more hope in our lives, communities and society. We must act. And you can.
Too much of what we are seeing in society is about sowing discord and division. Rather than celebrate someone who is doing a good work, we want to find fault. Rather than seeking unity, we are increasingly isolationist with a desire to build walls.
We are to serve as a paradigm of what a plausible future might be. Our purpose is to demonstrate what life might be like if only guided by different standards—those set by God.
If you have accepted the call and claim of Christ in your life, cast your ballot in love, not fear. Be bold now as you will be on the day of judgement.
What we are experiencing in 21st century America and across our modern world has happened throughout human history, and the best place to see the truth of that is in ancient Scripture.