Celebrating all women for Mother’s Day
Be it voluntary or involuntary childlessness or the result of strained relations, Mother’s Day is not always easy. On Mother’s Day, why not celebrate all women?”
Be it voluntary or involuntary childlessness or the result of strained relations, Mother’s Day is not always easy. On Mother’s Day, why not celebrate all women?”
None of us can change the world on our own, but we each can make our own contribution. The process of deepening your intentionality is about embracing the choices that stand before you.
The Bible is not the only old book that’s worth reading. Other old books may not be divinely inspired, but they can be treasure houses of wisdom.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a good time to consider starting or expanding a mental health ministry in your church and community.
Anti-Semitism. Racial prejudice and violence. Opening American borders to welcome refugees from a minority religious background. The relationship between church and state. Genocide. War and peace. These societal problems dominate the headlines, and thoughtful Baptists and other Christians are wondering how their beliefs can inform their responses to such pressing concerns.
Are we willing to step beyond the interfaith gatherings when tragedy strikes local communities and faraway countries, and work daily to dismantle hate and fear in personal and global ways alike? Can we embrace the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, language, religion, politics, class and other markers of difference, create peacemaking, and live out the grace to differ and be different?