Supposing him to be the gardener
I used to read John’s account of the resurrection and think Mary was confused, supposing Jesus to be the gardener. I see things differently since my mother died.
I used to read John’s account of the resurrection and think Mary was confused, supposing Jesus to be the gardener. I see things differently since my mother died.
Idle tales and brokenhearted disciples gave way to the cries of “He is risen!” and “I believe!”
Jesus liberated himself from the vicious cycle of morality-gamesmanship; can his love now liberate us, too?
Ensuring people with disabilities have the same access to opportunity and enjoy the same civil rights protections as people without disabilities is a moral imperative. It’s the right thing to do. It’s also good business.
What is the deepest hurt you have inflicted upon another? Is there a profound sin of which you are ashamed or questioning? Could you be beyond the reach of God’s outstretched fingers pulling you heavenward?
I am no less an American to acknowledge that my ultimate allegiance resides with the everlasting kingdom of heaven. And I am no less a Christian to acknowledge my temporary allegiance resides with a government formed in 1776.