Supposing him to be the gardener
I used to read John’s account of the resurrection and think Mary was confused, supposing Jesus to be the gardener. I see things differently since my mother died.
I used to read John’s account of the resurrection and think Mary was confused, supposing Jesus to be the gardener. I see things differently since my mother died.
The work done on the cross through Jesus’ death reveals that from the darkest moments of life, “hope springs eternal.” It is that hope that we hold on to as we suffer shame and disgrace. It is that hope that gives individuals strength to continue to stand through the chaotic winds of life.
Idle tales and brokenhearted disciples gave way to the cries of “He is risen!” and “I believe!”
The journey through Holy Week can help us travel through dark times in our lives and in the world. Holy Week offers the opportunity to experience the reality of shadows and suffering without losing hope.
“Sometimes quitting is the courageous act. Sometimes the courage that is needed is to stop doing what is expected in order to start doing what is necessary.”
Ensuring people with disabilities have the same access to opportunity and enjoy the same civil rights protections as people without disabilities is a moral imperative. It’s the right thing to do. It’s also good business.