An angelic Christmas Eve

An angelic Christmas Eve

Over the years, I learned more fully that people need to connect with worship emotionally. That means leaders must include words, rituals, and practices people recognize – on Christmas Eve and all year long.

This Advent, repent

This Advent, repent

By avoiding or denying our need to repent, we continue ways leading to sadness and despair, no matter how we might tell ourselves otherwise. To repent is to turn things around, to let your life find balance, to welcome grace into your life.

Waiting amid the magic

Waiting amid the magic

I have come to see the rituals I have in my life as doors. They can be open and invite me to pass through and, in turn, be closed and left to mark the passing of the former as I move into the future.

Through a door or down a hole

Through a door or down a hole

However chaotic the current global situation becomes, make a habit of encountering the sacred every day. View life through spiritual lenses and allow that to transform how you see things.

Welcoming the stranger: How are we doing?

Welcoming the stranger: How are we doing?

As people of God, we must continually ask ourselves, “How am I doing welcoming the stranger? What steps can I take as an individual, community member, church member, and person of God to help those who are desiring a better life, running from the ‘Herods’ of many forms?”



Es importante que como iglesia identifiquemos si estas acciones ocurren en nuestras comunidades y nos unamos a los esfuerzos de hacer justicia en favor de los más vulnerables. A eso fuimos llamados y llamadas.



It is important that we, as a church, identify whether exploitation of those affected by catastrophes happens in our communities and join in efforts to do justice for the most vulnerable. That is what we are called to do.

Stand up

Stand up

May we find our rest, our sitting with community in the lamenting. We have waded in the waters, we have parted seas, our North Stars have journeyed to freedom. We have stood up to many Goliaths in this world.

In ‘A Real Pain,’ everybody suffers

In ‘A Real Pain,’ everybody suffers

“A Real Pain” isn’t an in-depth analysis of the Holocaust. Rather, it is a character study that points to a central fact that we all know – to be human is to suffer, and that suffering can be great or small.

Hand-me-down robes and the Kingdom of God

Hand-me-down robes and the Kingdom of God

While today there are debates of the accessibility and efficacy of Christian vestments, to me they show the magnitude and imperative of the message we offer. They also are a great equalizer by which we see that God’s kingdom is not a meritocracy.

Remembering Dr. Anthony Campolo

Remembering Dr. Anthony Campolo

Dr. Campolo forced you to think about what Jesus would do. He showed that simple ideas don’t always apply in every situation or solve every problem, but they change things. Simple choices can change your life.

This is who I am

This is who I am

In early adulthood, I was struck with an epiphany about my identity and heritage. If I believed God to be an intentional God, who has a hand in my very creation and being knit together, then God has an intention in making me who I am in my Chinese Americanness.

Do we value Christian publishing?

Do we value Christian publishing?

If ministries that are expected to be self-sustaining through sales of curriculum and books are no longer sustainable, what does that say about our buying habits? As Matthew 6:21 reminds us, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

Faith and love

Faith and love

When was the last time you attended a wedding service where cultures and languages were honored equally? When was the last time you attended a wedding service where all were invited to partake at Jesus’ communion table in two languages? My God reminds me that officiating such a blessed wedding is possible, even if we are surrounded by global racial polarization.

Después de la tormenta

Después de la tormenta

Me encantaría poder decir que después de la tormenta viene la calma, pero no siempre es así. A veces, después de la tormenta, hace falta que denunciemos las estructuras y los sistemas que nos oprimen a tal grado que detienen u obstaculizan la recuperación.

Después de la tormenta

After the storm

I would love to be able to say that after the storm comes calm, but that is not always the case. Sometimes, after the storm, we need to denounce the structures and systems that oppress us to the point that they stop or hinder recovery.

Our church signs need work

Our church signs need work

Planet Fitness, the real-life Average Joe’s, come-as-you-are establishment, beat every church sign I knew with its slogan, The World Judges, We Don’t.

Remembering saints still witnessing

Remembering saints still witnessing

The witness of Dorothy Day is furthered by a new graphic novel retelling of her life and work. The graphic novel provides a thoughtful and informative introduction to Day’s life and development of her staunchly faith-driven way of serving neighbors in need and questioning the inequities of social and economic systems.

Weathering Advent

Weathering Advent

I have been imagining this Advent as a time during which I will hold my breath for a season. But I do not want to just hold my breath. I’d prefer to breathe. So I’m investing some time now asking myself a very basic question: how do I want to live while the unknown is coming? I cannot control the weather, but I can weather it.

Everything is connected

Everything is connected

“All things are connected, and whatever man does to the web of life, he does to himself.” These are haunting words as we consider the human causes of climate change and wonder what are we doing to ourselves and to our own web?

How many dead children does it take?

How many dead children does it take?

Our Lord and Savior Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” (Matthew 19:14) If Jesus has truly freed us, if he is the head of the Body, then Christian individuals and churches must live as if every single child matters. The Jewish child. The American child. The Christian child. The Israeli child. The Muslim child. The Palestinian child.

Revenge is killing us

Revenge is killing us

In today’s world, revenge is killing us. It is killing some much more quickly than others. It kills us, thousands of miles away from a conflict spiritually, making us unwilling collaborators in a genocidal scheme that robs children of their parents, their lives, and a future.

Greatness with a grain of salt

Greatness with a grain of salt

As we observe World Communion Sunday, may we remember with due humility, the circle is always open. The Church is bigger than we think. The table of the Lord is open to all who call upon the name of Jesus and follow his gospel.

Being loved in a strange land

Being loved in a strange land

For the Latino community of faith, offering others the sense of belonging “not for what I can do but for who I am” is one of the greatest principles we can have, not only because it comes from our culture, but also from our faith.

Living intentionally as Job’s brother

Living intentionally as Job’s brother

What the metaphor of Job’s brother offers us is the responsibility to use our position to recognize that all human life is sacred. Our distance from Job’s pain comes with an obligation to continue to hold our communities to account while working separately in broader movements to end the war and achieve justice in Israel/Palestine.

Work needs boundaries

Work needs boundaries

Work expands to fill the time allotted. I recommend that the clergy I coach set an ending time for their working day. If you always working longer than you plan, you will wear yourself out.

A moonshine faith

A moonshine faith

Mass-marketed prosperity and nationalistic forms of Christianity are anything but genuine. Anything but real and authentic. Anything but a radical Gospel for all. This revelation hit me like a shot of poteen.

Is it a trusted path?

Is it a trusted path?

In this season of constant divisiveness, I wonder how we recognize divine light in hearts of all nations to guide us all towards intentional co-creation for peace. Are the paths to freedom which were formed by faith by so many footprints still trusted paths in current strained national and global relationships?

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Therapists, chaplains, but also clergy serving in congregational ministry are uniquely positioned to reduce stigma around suicide. Through preaching explicitly compassionate messages and being open about their own mental health struggles, clergy can authoritatively dispel myths around suicide that stem from toxic theologies.

Nothing wrong with DEI

Nothing wrong with DEI

From their diverse backgrounds, the early church discovered inclusion in Christ that led them to equitably share everything that they had among them. Nothing wrong with DEI at Pentecost!

Remembering 9/11: A Muslim perspective

Remembering 9/11: A Muslim perspective

When we say, “Never forget,” we must ask: Who are we remembering? Who gets counted as American enough to deserve justice? Until we, as a country, live up to the values of love, unity, and equality that are supposed to bind us together, justice will remain an unfulfilled promise.

We must make better worlds

We must make better worlds

For that dedicated, regular time away to be respected and honored, we must develop grace-filled, compassionate cultures within our churches that destigmatizes mental health and emphasize self-care for both congregants and clergy.

Take a breath

Take a breath

Jesus took time to sit, to breathe, to eat, to grieve, to lament, to pray, to be silent. Why is it so hard for us all to follow the model set before us?

Labor Day and the Elaine Massacre

Labor Day and the Elaine Massacre

Clearly the massacre in Elaine, Arkansas in 1919 had a racial component, one for which all of us should repent and work for reparations. But Elaine, and Memphis, and so many other moments in our history, are also and just as much about the violent repression of workers as they are about race.

Glacial faith

Glacial faith

While the glacier’s till looks like the dirty snow piles a snowplow leaves behind in suburban parking lots or along the berms of interstate highways, the till may become a moraine, a rich soil with potential for new growth. This is also part of glacial faith — when what has been pushed aside becomes fertilizer for whatever new thing God may be doing in the world.

Communal redemption is calling us

Communal redemption is calling us

So much of our personal flourishing—a sense of connection and belonging, feeling seen and heard, having genuine opportunity in life—is a function of our shared project called community. We need each other to pursue a more just, inclusive, and hopeful society.

Happier family reunions

Happier family reunions

When the world has increasingly become digital and isolated from human communities, planning a family reunion can lead to deeper family life—and truth be told, potentially family conflicts too. But the benefits and rewards of a more meaningful and engaged family life are all worth it.

An ode to Vacation Bible School

An ode to Vacation Bible School

When we had to cooperate on a VBS with other denominations, we were reminded that we were not the only Christians in the community, an illness to which Christians are prone. Underlying suspicions would begin to melt, as we worked side by side on a common goal.

Baptists confronting the climate crisis

Baptists confronting the climate crisis

The psychological, technological, moral and spiritual capacities associated with the imago Dei – the image and likeness of God in humanity — and the original and permanent centrality of our particular role as God´s gardeners and caretakers (Genesis 1:26-30) should not move us to pride and assertions of privilege.

Maybe people living with disabilities don’t need help

Maybe people living with disabilities don’t need help

Jesus affirmed the imago Dei in all people, even and especially those discarded or ostracized; Christ even ignited the Pharisees’ anger by healing on the Sabbath. Our embodied Savior noticed and ministered to physical needs, while acknowledging that spiritual needs — the ones we all hold in common — remain eternally important.

Harris’ faith is a game-changer for abortion rights

Harris’ faith is a game-changer for abortion rights

Harris meets the conversation around abortion where it is most fertile — at the intersection of differing religious communities. It is only through interfaith dialogues that the limiting binary thinking around abortion and faith is interrogated.

Finding inner peace in Kung Fu Panda 4

Finding inner peace in Kung Fu Panda 4

I was delighted to see a clear representation of just what it looks like to meditate in a kids’ movie. Meditation is hard work, and it is rare to be successful the first time one practices it. But, if like me and like Po in the Kung Fu Panda series, you’re seeking a way to find inner peace, you should probably give it a try.

“Will you help us get our freedom back?”

“Will you help us get our freedom back?”

Palestinian Christians have reached out to the international Church, calling us to join them in their quest to be treated with human dignity. Their voices echo the larger Palestinian call to the international community to help them in their quest for freedom, justice, and equality—deeply Biblical goals.

Mary Dyer:  Religious diversity worth dying for

Mary Dyer: Religious diversity worth dying for

Mary Dyer stood fast for religious freedom to exist. She stood for women to speak God’s word. She stood for the state not interfering in the freedom of religious expression. On June 1, 1660, she was led to the gallows for the beliefs she stood for, and this Quaker woman was hung to her death.

Holy connections

Holy connections

Could we experience Holy Spirit moments, when human connections are made where we feel deep transformation occurring? How do we get to those deep Holy Spirit moments?

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

It hurts me to know this text that I weekly thank God for has been misused and continues to be misused to cause pain and trauma in people. In a sad irony, the Bible was written by the outcast and the marginalized and is misused to create outcasts and to marginalize.

Fly fishing as spiritual practice

Fly fishing as spiritual practice

When I try to follow it as long as I can downstream, my schooling in river beauty and river wisdom leads me to this hope and prayer: let us then, like the salmon leaping against the current and over the ledge, leap finally beyond the metaphor and the simile when it comes to our embodied consciousness of nature.

What if God is an imaginary friend?

What if God is an imaginary friend?

We must have imagination, and that includes in our spiritual life. Without it, the world lacks magic and wonder. Imagination doesn’t mean that it’s fake – it means that it exceeds reality. Surely that is a decent definition of God as well – the One Who Exceeds Reality.

Love is a religious value, but only if we make it one

Love is a religious value, but only if we make it one

Seeing Judaism as rooted in love is a choice. When we inherit a tradition, we make choices about which values to center and which to set aside. When I think about my grandfather, I remember someone for whom Judaism nourished his ability to care for others in a loving, heartfelt way.

Charisma: Can we be misled? How can we know who to follow?

Charisma: Can we be misled? How can we know who to follow?

Perhaps it is human nature to be attracted to charisma, even to the point of not thinking but simply feeling. Jesus once again led us back to a life of the mind when he asked us to discern, to evaluate critically, and to judge – not by the sizzle but by the fruits. You will know them by their fruits.

Is membership everything or nothing at all?

Is membership everything or nothing at all?

Ideally, coercion-free membership should be a way to align one’s beliefs, ideas, and causes with a collective body. At its best, becoming a congregant of a local church, one should feel confident in saying, “Yes, I’m on board with the vision and ministries of this church.”

Marching with Pride

Marching with Pride

Today, as a community of Baptist LGBTQ+ people and allies, may we remember that our work for equality, equity, and justice is not in vain. Because of the patience and faithfulness of others before us, our Pride marches are more than just events.

Who rules the world?

Who rules the world?

Like many stories in the gospels, the disciples serve as a “stand in” for the reader, asking questions and showing what sort of responses people can have to the gospel’s events. Their challenge is our challenge. Do we believe or do we doubt? What do we believe in more: the way the world tends to be, or the way the world could be, if the gospel is made known?

Unity through diversity

Unity through diversity

What if we took this season of political and social uncertainty to bear witness to Christ while living in a pluralistic society? What would it look like to elevate our Baptist principles, demonstrating what a life with God looks like when held in healthy tension?

The faith and social justice paradox

The faith and social justice paradox

As people of faith who care about justice, we may be required to embrace both faith, hope, and hard reality at the same time. May we confront the brutal facts of reality, but maintain an unwavering faith and hope that good will prevail.

Sacred seeds of love

Sacred seeds of love

Whenever Scripture speaks to my heart in a unique way, I like to read it in various translations. At times, I may find myself deciding to read it in another language I am fluent in. As a global citizen, with lived experiences in several cross-cultural settings, God’s good news beckons me to hear and read Scripture through a cross-cultural lens.

Pride is an expression of radical humility

Pride is an expression of radical humility

Pride isn’t an expression of the arrogance of queer people. It’s an expression of our humility. Being who we are is not a rebellion against God; it’s an end to rebellion, and an expression of who we were made to be.

Artificial intelligence and the Catechism

Artificial intelligence and the Catechism

It’s helpful to think of AI as a mirror. Although human beings are not entirely like AI, AI is modeled on us. So when we observe AI and how it functions, rather than othering AI, it can be fruitful to accept such observations as existential challenges to our own way of being. Observing AI at work offers an opportunity for self-reflection.

Send food, not bombs

Send food, not bombs

Getting arrested isn’t my preferred way to preach the gospel. I’d much rather be preaching from the pulpit or talking to the children on the church steps. But after months of ongoing bombardment, bearing witness to starvation’s effects on Gazan bodies, marching in the streets, and offering prayers, this seemed the next logical step.